Monday, September 17, 2018

Where does the time go?

Mondays are normally my day off, but I decided to go in today because I have a big work event coming up on Wednesday and I wanted to make sure everything I’m responsible for is ready to go. My coworkers and I stuffed a lot of envelopes, I made sure all the raffle prizes were in order, the elements of the games were all together, designed and printed name tags, and took note of any last minute details we need to complete before the big day. I had planned to be at work for 4 hours, but before I knew it, 6 hours had ticked away. I’m glad I went in though because it should be much less stressful tomorrow, then we just need to pack up the things to take to the venue on Wednesday. Hopefully, we won’t leave anything behind.

Tomorrow, I need to make a swag bag of gift shop goodies, make sure which prize goes to which game and that we have enough. I believe I have enough. Four days after the RSVP deadline, I get an email from two more people. I already gave our head count to the venue. There is a reason behind the deadlines. We need to know, how much food is needed and have an estimate of the cost, so we can stay in budget. I did give a higher count, but now there are only 5 open spots. Also, some people end up not attending. They may not be feeling well, or have a sick child at home, or as one gentleman told me when he RSVPed “yes”, “I said I was going last year, but then I forgot to go. I hope I don’t forget this year.”

Nice part is I’ll just work a couple of hours on Friday, full day Saturday, and then vacation time!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to work and got it done. Have a wonderful vacation!!!
