The time 09/11/01
The sunrise casts rays
along the East coast;
People hurry to their
Some rush to the office,
some kiss their kids goodbye
As they drop them off at
A plane-shaped shadow passes
But it’s too low, and the
first boom blasts the city.
Panic, disbelief, uncertainty,
but where to run?
Another plane, a blast
shakes the apple to its core.
Two planes, no accident.
Terror hits the streets,
confusion, why is it happening.
The community rallies to
help injured, putting their lives in jeopardy.
Plane number three, and further
south a five-sided building is struck.
When will it stop?
Another plane heads to the
nation’s capital; we know what is happening now.
Brave souls bring the
plane down before it makes its destination.
September 11, 2001, a time
we won’t forget.
Correct...a time we won't forget. Thank you for the poem.